
       Reign Kocher is twenty-two years old. Her favorite thing to do is read. Her favorite color is baby blue, and Reign loves art. Reign has been to many interesting places outside of the United States. She has been to places like Jamaica, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic, but she enjoyed Jamaica the most because she loved the food there. In the Dominican Republic she had fun going mudding in a dune buggy. She has been jet skiing and snorkeling in Jamaica as well and she said that it was a really great experience for her.
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       She graduated from Nazareth High School. While she was at Nazareth High School she did not play any sports, but she loved getting her nails done so she eventually wanted a job at Tips for Toes. At first she explained to me that they were worried about making her the manager there due to her being so young, however she knew that she wanted to be the manager at Tips For Toes and kept trying. She finally was given the job because of her hard work and being so determined. She eventually wants to get out of Nazareth, however she still wants to live in Pennsylvania. She likes Pennsylvania, however she does not like the area that she currently lives in and wants a change. Ending up somewhere in the country part of Pennsylvania is what she is looking for.
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She is a manager at tips to toes. She can understand a bit of Vietnamese which she has taught herself. She would like to open a daycare for children or dogs because she loves kids and dogs. Her dog Maxwell is a miniature Doberman. The most important thing in the world to her baby sister. Her babysitter’s name is Eva, they adopted her when she was two years old. Reign has two other brothers and they are sixteen years old and twenty-seven years old.


  1. I actually visited Jamaica for the first time the beginning of the year. I had a hotel on tourist side (montego bay) but I stayed in the country with my family most of the time beautiful experience I can't wait to go back.


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